易搜题 > “储蓄罐”标签


某储存石油、轻石脑油的储蓄罐,采用内浮顶罐,储罐上所设置的固定式泡沫灭火系统的泡沫混合液供给强度为12.5L/(min·m2),连续供给时间不应小于( )min。






某储存石油、轻石脑油的储蓄罐,采用内浮顶罐,储罐上所设置的固定式泡沫灭火系统的泡沫混合液供给强度为12.5L/(min·m2),连续供给时间不应小于(  )min。

  • A25

  • B30

  • C40

  • D45


某房地产开发商拟在石油化工厂附近开发建设一个居住区,石油化工厂设有总容积为10000m3的液化石油气储蓄罐区,根据《石油化工企业设计防火规范》规定,该新建居住区与石油化工厂液化石油储蓄罐的防火间距不应小于(  )m。












某石油化工企业的厂区设置办公区、动力设备用房、消防站、甲类和乙类液体储蓄罐、液化氢储罐组、装卸设施和桶装油品堆场。下列关于工厂总平面布置的做法中,不正确的是( )。

  • A、甲乙类液体储罐沿河流布置时,布置在河流的下游

  • B、消防站位于生产区全年最大频率风向的上风侧

  • C、全厂性的高架火炬设置在生产区全年最小频率风向的上风侧

  • D、散发可燃气体的工艺装置宜布置在厂区全年最小频率风向的上风侧

某石油化工企业的厂区设置办公区、动力设备用房、消防站、甲类和乙类液体储蓄罐、液体烃储罐、装卸设施和桶装油品堆场。下列关于工厂总平面布置的做法中,正确的是()。 A.全厂性的高架火炬设置在生产区全年最小频率风向的上风侧B.采用架空电力线路进出厂区的总变电所布置在厂区中心C.消防站位于生产区全年最小频率风向的上风侧D.散发可燃气体的工艺装置和罐组布置在人员集中场所全年最小频率风向的下风侧
  • A全厂性的高架火炬设置在生产区全年最小频率风向的上风侧
  • B采用架空电力线路进出厂区的总变电所布置在厂区中心
  • C消防站位于生产区全年最小频率风向的上风侧
  • D散发可燃气体的工艺装置和罐组布置在人员集中场所全年最小频率风向的下风侧
(2015年真题)某石油化工企业的厂区设置办公区、动力设备用房、消防站、甲类和乙类液体储蓄罐、液体烃储存罐、装卸设施和桶装油品堆场。下列关于工厂总平面布置的做法中,正确的是()。 A.全厂性的高架火炬设置在生产区全年最小频率风向的上风侧B.采用架空电力线路进出厂区的总变电所布置在厂区中心C.消防站位于生产区全年最小频率风向的上风侧D.散发可燃气体的工艺装置和罐组布置在人员集中场所全年最小频率风向的下风侧







这段文字主要表明(  )。






Saving MoneyWhere you save your money often depends on what you are saving for. If you are saving to buy a CD (光盘)or to go to a concert,then probably you would keep your money somewhere in your room.If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip, where would you save your money?One place to save money is the bank. Putting your money in a savings account will help your money earn more money. If you put your money in a piggy bank (猪形储蓄罐), one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in. If you put your money in a savings account, one year later, you’ll have more money than you put in. Why?When you keep your money in a bank, your money earns interest. Interest is an amount of money a bank pays you to use your money. The bank uses your money (and the money of other people,too) to loan money to people and businesses.The bank will send you a statement several times a year. A bank statement tells you how much money you have in your account. It also tells you how much interest you have earned. If you leave your money in the bank, you can watch it grow!Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD. If you have some money that you don’t need to use for a long time, this is a good way to make yourmoney grow.You can buy a CD at a bank. You agree not to use the money for a certain period of time. That period might be from six months to five years. You can't touch your money during that time. If you do, you must pay a penalty, or fee.A bank pays you interest for A wasting your money.B losing your money.C using your money.D decreasing your money.
Saving MoneyWhere you save your money often depends on what you are saving for. If you are saving to buy a CD (光盘)or to go to a concert,then probably you would keep your money somewhere in your room.If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip, where would you save your money?One place to save money is the bank. Putting your money in a savings account will help your money earn more money. If you put your money in a piggy bank (猪形储蓄罐), one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in. If you put your money in a savings account, one year later, you’ll have more money than you put in. Why?When you keep your money in a bank, your money earns interest. Interest is an amount of money a bank pays you to use your money. The bank uses your money (and the money of other people,too) to loan money to people and businesses.The bank will send you a statement several times a year. A bank statement tells you how much money you have in your account. It also tells you how much interest you have earned. If you leave your money in the bank, you can watch it grow!Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD. If you have some money that you don’t need to use for a long time, this is a good way to make yourmoney grow.You can buy a CD at a bank. You agree not to use the money for a certain period of time. That period might be from six months to five years. You can't touch your money during that time. If you do, you must pay a penalty, or fee.Among other things,a bank statement tells you A the amount of money you have in the bank.B the current rates of interest.C the current rates of exchange.D the best way to save your money.
Saving MoneyWhere you save your money often depends on what you are saving for. If you are saving to buy a CD (光盘)or to go to a concert,then probably you would keep your money somewhere in your room.If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip, where would you save your money?One place to save money is the bank. Putting your money in a savings account will help your money earn more money. If you put your money in a piggy bank (猪形储蓄罐), one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in. If you put your money in a savings account, one year later, you’ll have more money than you put in. Why?When you keep your money in a bank, your money earns interest. Interest is an amount of money a bank pays you to use your money. The bank uses your money (and the money of other people,too) to loan money to people and businesses.The bank will send you a statement several times a year. A bank statement tells you how much money you have in your account. It also tells you how much interest you have earned. If you leave your money in the bank, you can watch it grow!Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD. If you have some money that you don’t need to use for a long time, this is a good way to make yourmoney grow.You can buy a CD at a bank. You agree not to use the money for a certain period of time. That period might be from six months to five years. You can't touch your money during that time. If you do, you must pay a penalty, or fee.If you draw your money before it is due, you will have to A pay interest to the bank.B close your account.C open a new account.D pay a penalty or fee.
Saving MoneyWhere you save your money often depends on what you are saving for. If you are saving to buy a CD (光盘)or to go to a concert,then probably you would keep your money somewhere in your room.If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip, where would you save your money?One place to save money is the bank. Putting your money in a savings account will help your money earn more money. If you put your money in a piggy bank (猪形储蓄罐), one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in. If you put your money in a savings account, one year later, you’ll have more money than you put in. Why?When you keep your money in a bank, your money earns interest. Interest is an amount of money a bank pays you to use your money. The bank uses your money (and the money of other people,too) to loan money to people and businesses.The bank will send you a statement several times a year. A bank statement tells you how much money you have in your account. It also tells you how much interest you have earned. If you leave your money in the bank, you can watch it grow!Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD. If you have some money that you don’t need to use for a long time, this is a good way to make yourmoney grow.You can buy a CD at a bank. You agree not to use the money for a certain period of time. That period might be from six months to five years. You can't touch your money during that time. If you do, you must pay a penalty, or fee.The word “touch" in paragraph 7 could be best replaced by A deposit.B lend.C use.D cash.
Saving Money
Where you save your money often depends on what you are saving for. If you are
saving to buy a CD(光盘)or to go to a concert,then probably you would keep your money
somewhere in your room.
If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip,where would
you save your money?
One place to save money is the bank.Putting your money in a savings account will
help your money earn more money. If you put your money in a piggy bank(猪形储蓄
罐),one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in.If you put
your money in a savings account,one year later,you'II have more money than you put
When you keep your money in a bank,your money earns interest.Interest is an
amount of money a bank pays you to use your money.The bank uses your money(and the
money of other people,too)to loan money to people and businesses.
The bank will send you a statement several times a year. A bank statement tells you
how much money you have in your account.It also tells you how much interest you have
earned.If you leave your money in the bank,you can watch it grow!
Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD.If you have
some money that you don't need to use for a long time,this is a good way to make your
money grow.
You can buy a CD at a bank.You agree not to use the money for a certain period of
time.That period might be from six months to five years.You can't touch your money
during that time.If you do,you must pay a penalty,or fee. A bank pays you interest forA:wastinlg your money. B:losing your money.C:using your money. D:decreasing your money.
Saving Money
Where you save your money often depends on what you are saving for. If you are
saving to buy a CD(光盘)or to go to a concert,then probably you would keep your money
somewhere in your room.
If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip,where would
you save your money?
One place to save money is the bank.Putting your money in a savings account will
help your money earn more money. If you put your money in a piggy bank(猪形储蓄
罐),one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in.If you put
your money in a savings account,one year later,you'II have more money than you put
When you keep your money in a bank,your money earns interest.Interest is an
amount of money a bank pays you to use your money.The bank uses your money(and the
money of other people,too)to loan money to people and businesses.
The bank will send you a statement several times a year. A bank statement tells you
how much money you have in your account.It also tells you how much interest you have
earned.If you leave your money in the bank,you can watch it grow!
Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD.If you have
some money that you don't need to use for a long time,this is a good way to make your
money grow.
You can buy a CD at a bank.You agree not to use the money for a certain period of
time.That period might be from six months to five years.You can't touch your money
during that time.If you do,you must pay a penalty,or fee. If you draw your money before it is due,you will have toA:pay interest to the bank. B:close your account.C:open a new account. D:pay a penalty or fee,