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According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT true of the perpetual studiers when they are in school?
A.They usually sit in the front of the class and write pages of notes a day.
B.They talk to someone only at the end of class when the lecture is over.
C.They take out all their books and study for the classes that they have the next day.
D.They rarely take part in something of a social life.

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  • Internet criminals rarely try to hack into banking systems because
    A.the punishments are too high.
    B.the chances of being caught are too high.
    C.it is more difficult than stealing individuals information.

  • Zero day exploits
    A.avoid computer programme security measures.
    B.are easy to detect.
    C.are always sold to the highest bidder.

  • The word external in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to______.

  • What are the symptoms of swine flu? [Click on 3 answers]
    A.Chills, fever, and sore throat
    B.Muscle pains and headache.
    C.Shedding tears, sneezing and toothache.
    D.Coughing, weakness and discomfort.

  • According to the professor, who are the most likely to catch swine influenza?
    A.People who expose themselves to swine.
    B.People work for a special program.
    C.People who make intensive studies about swine.
    D.People who would like to take risks.

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