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听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a lecture on New-age Transport. Professor Computerized design, advanced materials and new technologies are being used to produce machines of a type never seen before. It looks as if it came straight from the set of Star Wars. It has four-wheel drive and rises above rocky surfaces. It lowers and raises its nose when going up and down hills. And when it comes to a river, it turns amphibious; two hydrojets power it along by blasting water under its body. There is room for two passengers and a driver, who sit inside a glass bubble operating electronic, aircraft-type controls. A vehicle so daring on land and water needs windscreen wipers —but it doesnt have any. Water molecules are disintegrated on the screens surface by ultrasonic sensors. This unusual vehicle is the Racoon. It is an invention not of Hollywood but of Renault, a rather conservative French state-owned carmaker, better known for its family hatchbacks. Renault built the Racoon to explore new freedoms for designers and engineers created by advances in materials and manufacturing progresses. Renault is thinking about startlingly different cars: other producers have radical new ideas for trains, boats and aeroplanes. The first of the new freedoms is in design. Powerful computer-aided design(CAD)systems can replace with a click of a computer mouse hours of laborious work done on thousands of drawing boards, so new products, no matter how complicated, can be developed much faster. For the first time, Boeing will not have to build a giant replica of its new airliner, the 777, to make sure all the bits fit together. Its CAD system will take care of that. But Renault is taking CAD further. It claims the Racoon is the worlds first vehicle to be designed within the digitized world of virtual reality. Complex programs were used to simulate the vehicle and the terrain that it was expected to cross. This allowed a team led by Patrick le Quement, Renaults industrial-design director, to "drive" it long before a prototype existed. Renault is not alone in thinking that virtual reality will transform. automotive design. In Detroit, Ford is also investigating its potential. Jack Telnack, the firms former head of design, would like designers in different parts of the world to work more closely together, linked by computers. They would do more than style. cars. Virtual reality will allow engineers to peer inside the working parts of a vehicle. Designers will watch bearings move, oil flow, gears mesh and hydraulics pump. As these techniques catch on, even stranger vehicles are likely to come along. Transforming these creations from virtual reality to actual reality will also become easier, especially with advances in materials. Firms that once bashed everything out of steel now find that new alloys of composite materials are changing the rules of manufacturing. At the same time, old materials keep getting better, as their producers try to secure their place in the factory of the future. This competition is increasing the pace of development of all materials. Again, the Racoon reflects this race between the old and the new. It uses conventional steel and what Renault describes as new "high-limit elastic steel" in its chassis. This steel is 30% lighter than the usual kind. The Racoon also has parts made from composites. Renault plans to replace the petrol engine with a small gas turbine, which could be made from heat resisting ceramics, and use it to run a generator that would provide power for electric motors at each wheel. With composites, it is possible to build many different parts into a single component. Fiat, Italys helped to design for General Motors, uses a two-stroke engine in a "power pod" at the rear of the vehicle. The engine has been developed from an East German design and weighs 40% less than a conventional engine but produces as much power. It is expected to run clearly enough to quality as an ultra-low emissions vehicle under Californias tough new rules. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer

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  • According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT true of the perpetual studiers when they are in school?
    A.They usually sit in the front of the class and write pages of notes a day.
    B.They talk to someone only at the end of class when the lecture is over.
    C.They take out all their books and study for the classes that they have the next day.
    D.They rarely take part in something of a social life.

  • What does the professor imply about the fact that the annual catch of fish in the Biramichi River has been reduced?
    A.The reason is that there were fewer fish in the river.
    B.Over-fishing in the river has been prohibited.
    C.The local Chamber of Commerce tried to preserve the fish.
    D.The local fishing cooperative decided to reduce its catch.

  • Which of the following can be inferred from the sentence " be successful in life —as long as they dont choose careers that require many social skills" in Paragraph 2?
    A.The perpetual studiers can not choose careers requiring social skills.
    B.The perpetual studiers with high grades lack social skills.
    C.The careers requiring many social skills do not want perpetual studiers.
    D.It is hard to be successful choosing careers requiring many social skills.

  • What aspect of the factories along the river does the professor mainly discuss?
    A.They"ll be closed down.
    B.They"re going to dismiss some of their employees.
    C.They"ll be moved to other places.
    D.They have no money to build chemical treatment plants.

  • According to the professor, who are the most likely to catch swine influenza?
    A.People who expose themselves to swine.
    B.People work for a special program.
    C.People who make intensive studies about swine.
    D.People who would like to take risks.

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