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How did Clotfelter manage to solve the problem in the end?

A.By seeking cooperation with heads of the school clubs and sports teams.

B.By hiring some graduate students to carry out a poll in the schools.

C.By cataloging the races from the pictures presented in the yearbooks.

D.By getting the racial data from the National Center for Education Statistics.

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  • What should be discussed on spanking according to the author?

    A.Which part of body should be hit.

    B.What potential side effects it has.

    C.Whether parents have rights to spank.

    D.How to prevent injury when spanking.

  • What did a recent Duke University study reveal?

    A.Kids poor in cognition were more likely to be spanked.

    B.Corporal punishment did bring about wounds to kids.

    C.The earlier kids were spanked, the lower IQs they had.

    D.Low-IQ kids may display misbehaviors more often.

  • According to Murray Straus, what's the influence of spanking on kids in the long run?

    A.It helps correct kids' bad behaviors for good.

    B.Kids spanked are more likely to commit a crime.

    C.It leaves permanent physical scars on kids.

    D.Kids spanked are not as smart as those not.

  • 听力原文:M: I feel depressed. The weather has been terrible this week.

    W: You can say that again. Day after day of gray skies and rain. I wonder how much longer it's going to last.

    Q: How has the weather been recently?


    A.Clear and warm.

    B.Cloudy and wet.

    C.Cold and snowy.

    D.Hot and dry.

  • 【C2】





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