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Recycling Around the World
Recycling is one of the best environmental success stories of the late 20th century.But we could do more.People must not see recycling as fashionable,but essential.
The Japanese are very good at recycling because they live in a crowded country. They do not have much space.They do not want to share their limited space with rubbish.But even so,Tokyo area alone is estimated to have three million tons of leftover rubbish at present.
In 1996, the United States recycled and composted(制成肥料)57 million tons of waste (27%of the nation's solid waste).This is 57 million tons of waste which did not go into landfills and incinerators(焚化炉).In doing this,7,000 rubbish collection programs and recycling centers helped the authorities.
In Rockford,a city in Illinois,U.S.,its officials choose one house each week and check its garbage(废物).If the garbage does not contain an newspapers or aluminum(铝)cans,then the resident of the house gets a prize of at least$1,000.
In Japan,certain cities give children weekly supplies of tissue paper and toilet paper in exchange for a weekly collection of newspapers.
In one year Britain recycles:
——1 out of every 3 newspapers.
——1 out of every 4 glass bottles and jars(罐子).
——1 out of every 4 items of clothing.
——1 out of every 3 aluminum drink cans.
In 1999,Hong Kong transported 1.3 million tons of waste to mainland China for recycling. Around 535,000 tons of waste was recycled in Hong Kong itself.
Over half the things we throw away could be recycled.That means we could recycle 10 times as much as we do now.
However,recycling needs a lot of organization and special equipment. Also,there is not much use for some recycled material.
Which of the following is NOT true of Britain?
A:It recycles 1 out of every 3 newspapers each year.
B:It recycles 1 out of every 4 glass bottles and jars each year.
C:It recycles 1 out of every 4 items of clothing each year.
D:It recycles 1 out of every 3 aluminum cans each year.

相关标签: 焚化炉  

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D解析:句子意思是“下面关于日本的哪一个描述是错误的”。答案是A项:他们回收了所有的垃圾。这个从常识上就是不可能的,而且文中提及:But even so, Tokyo area a-lone is estimated to have three million tons of leftover rubbish at present.
句子意思是“在1996年,美国回收了多少垃圾”。答案是5 700万吨。文中提及:In 1996, the United States recycled and composted(制成肥料)57 million tons of waste.
句子意思是“人们在哪里可以因为对垃圾回收做贡献而获得大奖”。答案是罗克福德。文中提及:In Rockford, a city in Illinois, US, its officials choose one house each week and check its garbage.If the garbage does not contain an newspapers or aluminum cans,then the resident of the house gets a prize of at least$1,000.
句子意思是“在日本,由孩子收集的报纸会……”文中提及:In Japan, certain cities give children weekly supplies of tissue paper and toilet paper in exchange for a weekly collection of newspapers.
句子意思是“关于英国的哪个描述是错误的”。这个比较容易,可以从文中的关于英国的列表中获得。In one year Britain recycles:——1 out of every 3 newspapers.——1 out of every 4 glass bottles and jars(罐子).——1 out of every 4 items of clothing.——1 out of every 3 aluminum drink cans.注意,选项D中少了一个drink,故错误。


  • 共用题干第三篇
    Recycling Around the World
    Recycling is one of the best environmental success stories of the late 20th century.But we could do more.People must not see recycling as fashionable,but essential.
    The Japanese are very good at recycling because they live in a crowded country. They do not have much space.They do not want to share their limited space with rubbish.But even so,Tokyo area alone is estimated to have three million tons of leftover rubbish at present.
    In 1996, the United States recycled and composted(制成肥料)57 million tons of waste (27%of the nation's solid waste).This is 57 million tons of waste which did not go into landfills and incinerators(焚化炉).In doing this,7,000 rubbish collection programs and recycling centers helped the authorities.
    In Rockford,a city in Illinois,U.S.,its officials choose one house each week and check its garbage(废物).If the garbage does not contain an newspapers or aluminum(铝)cans,then the resident of the house gets a prize of at least$1,000.
    In Japan,certain cities give children weekly supplies of tissue paper and toilet paper in exchange for a weekly collection of newspapers.
    In one year Britain recycles:
    ——1 out of every 3 newspapers.
    ——1 out of every 4 glass bottles and jars(罐子).
    ——1 out of every 4 items of clothing.
    ——1 out of every 3 aluminum drink cans.
    In 1999,Hong Kong transported 1.3 million tons of waste to mainland China for recycling. Around 535,000 tons of waste was recycled in Hong Kong itself.
    Over half the things we throw away could be recycled.That means we could recycle 10 times as much as we do now.
    However,recycling needs a lot of organization and special equipment. Also,there is not much use for some recycled material. Which of the following is NOT true of Britain?A:It recycles 1 out of every 3 newspapers each year.B:It recycles 1 out of every 4 glass bottles and jars each year.C:It recycles 1 out of every 4 items of clothing each year.D:It recycles 1 out of every 3 aluminum cans each year.
  • s="" junk="" heap="" of="" electronic="" goods="" now="" weighs="" 6="" million="" tons="" and="" will="" double="" in="" 12="" years.="" all="" this="" waste="" is="" taking="" an="" obvious="" toll="" on="" the="" planet.Even at this early stage in Europe's recycling experiment, though the new laws have already caused unintended problems. Some European countries have been caught wholly unprepared. Because of the new regulations, waste sites and incinerators(焚化炉)throughout Europe are being inundated with hardware. Recycling facilities now coming online face a backlog of six months. Another problem: replacing bad but essential materials. The EU will soon ban the use of the lead, a hazardous substance that’s been used for decades to solder circuit boards. Electronics companies are struggling to find alternatives. “This could be a much bigger challenge for us than the waste-disposal regulation,” says Michelle O Neill, a Hewlett-Packard lobbyist in Brussels.Business leaders also warn of excessive costs. “Society and the politicians have another objective here; to move costs onto industry,” says Viktor Sundberg, European affairs director of Swedish manufacturer Electrolux. Inevitably some of those costs will trickle down to the consumer. And there's the sticky problem of assigning responsibility. Is one manufacturer liable for recycling the products of a former rival that has gone out of business? Should carmakers pay for dismembering vehicles built years before the directive took effect? Europe hasn't worked out these issues.The new recycling laws may not cost as much as one might think. Many of the new targets are only incrementally tougher than existing ones. Carmakers, for instance, will in five years have to recycle or reuse 80 percent, by weight, of their old cars. But in the more eco-conscious northern states, they already voluntarily recycle 60 percent. That may be why manufacturers have greeted the new rules meekly. Ford claims that its latest Fiesta hatchback, newly built for the European market, is already 85 percent recyclable; that's a powerful image for the new eco-friendly manufacturing, provided Europe’s medicine works without too many side Effects.1.The author says “something surely needs to be done” because ( ).2.The word “inundate” (underlined in paragraph 3) probably means ( ).3.What disturbs electronics companies most according to Michelle O Neill?4.We learn from the passage that( ).'>

    Europe is following the Dutch lead and taking the green movement to the manufacturers of white goods and electronics. A spate of legislation emerging from Brussels aims ultimately to hold manufacturers responsible for the fate of their products along after they’ve left store shelves or car showrooms. They’re being told they must ensure that as much as 85 percent of their products be recycled or reused, and the remainder disposed of in environmentally sound ways.Something surely needs to be done. In recent decades consumers have grown used to an ever-speedier turnover of hardware. A computer built in the 1960s lasted 10 years on average; now they are scrapped in just four. In the past more than 90 percent of this detritus had been buried in landfills. Europe's junk heap of electronic goods now weighs 6 million tons and will double in 12 years. All this waste is taking an obvious toll on the planet.Even at this early stage in Europe's recycling experiment, though the new laws have already caused unintended problems. Some European countries have been caught wholly unprepared. Because of the new regulations, waste sites and incinerators(焚化炉)throughout Europe are being inundated with hardware. Recycling facilities now coming online face a backlog of six months. Another problem: replacing bad but essential materials. The EU will soon ban the use of the lead, a hazardous substance that’s been used for decades to solder circuit boards. Electronics companies are struggling to find alternatives. “This could be a much bigger challenge for us than the waste-disposal regulation,” says Michelle O Neill, a Hewlett-Packard lobbyist i

  • 观看视频《海洋垃圾》片段,回答问题。  视频解说内容:日本“311”9级大地震引发强烈海啸,导致大量的房屋、汽车和各种残骸卷入太平洋,形成了一个长约111公里的“垃圾岛”。研究人员估计,这个漂浮在海上的“垃圾岛”两年内会漂至夏威夷,3年后漂到美国西岸。  其实,在日本地震和海啸导致大量垃圾卷入海洋之前,人们生活的这个星球中的海洋上就已经漂浮着大量的海上垃圾。2007年,美国科学家发现,太平洋上漂浮着一个巨大的“太平洋垃圾岛”,其面积有两个得克萨斯州那么大。虽然后来有人认为其面积被过分夸大了,但其存在却是不争的事实。  海洋垃圾不仅影响海洋景观,还可能威胁航行安全。但更可怕的是,会对海洋生态系统的健康产生致命的影响,进而对海洋经济产生负面效应。海洋垃圾已引起全球的高度重视,新加坡等发达国家正采取措施,尝试处理这一问题。  由于海上垃圾大部分是塑料,所以处理海上垃圾的首选办法是焚烧发电。不过海洋垃圾的焚烧发电有几个问题需要解决。除了打捞、运输、搁置脱水外,还会遇到二恶英的排放问题。由于塑料焚烧可产生大量的二恶英,会危及环境和生态,需要有特别能控制二恶英排放的高级焚化炉。海洋垃圾的另一个处理办法是建造人工岛屿。1998年,新加坡政府在两个离岸的小岛实马高和西康之间建造了1公里长的岩石长堤,并分出了11个相互连接的海湾单元;将单元里的海水抽干,排放好一层厚厚的塑料膜;然后将垃圾灰烬倾倒在这些单元里进行密封,以防止泄漏。至于垃圾中那些不能燃烧和回收的材料,比如石棉,也被塑料密封并掩埋在泥土中。此后,每个月都要对单元周围的海水取样检测,到现在为止,还没有发现任何单元有泄漏和污染海水的情况。每当一个单元的垃圾填到二三米高时,就进行铺沙种草,接着继续埋置垃圾。如此反复,垃圾最高可埋置到30米。最后在上面栽种植物,不再堆放垃圾。  【相关链接】  材料一目前,我国垃圾堆存量已达60亿吨,占用耕地5亿平方米。全国660个主要城市中,有200个城市陷入垃圾包围之中。以城市人6亿为例,如每人每年产生440公斤垃圾,年产生垃圾量为2.64亿吨。  材料二英国的垃圾填埋率为90%,意大利为74%,美国为67%,法国为45%,德国为46%。瑞士的垃圾焚烧率为74%,日本为72%,丹麦为70%。美国的废纸利用率为60%,铁罐头盒回收率为25%,玻璃回收率为20%。[问题1][简答题]结合上下文,分别指出下列句子中画线部分的作用。①到现在为止,还没有发现任何单元有泄漏和污染海水的情况。②太平洋上漂浮着一个巨大的“太平洋垃圾岛”,其面积有两个得克萨斯州那么大[问题2][简答题]根据文章内容和链接材料,就垃圾问题进行探究,写出你的两点发现。
  • 共用题干第三篇
    Recycling Around the World
    Recycling is one of the best environmental success stories of the late 20th century.But we could do more.People must not see recycling as fashionable,but essential.
    The Japanese are very good at recycling because they live in a crowded country. They do not have much space.They do not want to share their limited space with rubbish.But even so,Tokyo area alone is estimated to have three million tons of leftover rubbish at present.
    In 1996, the United States recycled and composted(制成肥料)57 million tons of waste (27%of the nation's solid waste).This is 57 million tons of waste which did not go into landfills and incinerators(焚化炉).In doing this,7,000 rubbish collection programs and recycling centers helped the authorities.
    In Rockford,a city in Illinois,U.S.,its officials choose one house each week and check its garbage(废物).If the garbage does not contain an newspapers or aluminum(铝)cans,then the resident of the house gets a prize of at least$1,000.
    In Japan,certain cities give children weekly supplies of tissue paper and toilet paper in exchange for a weekly collection of newspapers.
    In one year Britain recycles:
    ——1 out of every 3 newspapers.
    ——1 out of every 4 glass bottles and jars(罐子).
    ——1 out of every 4 items of clothing.
    ——1 out of every 3 aluminum drink cans.
    In 1999,Hong Kong transported 1.3 million tons of waste to mainland China for recycling. Around 535,000 tons of waste was recycled in Hong Kong itself.
    Over half the things we throw away could be recycled.That means we could recycle 10 times as much as we do now.
    However,recycling needs a lot of organization and special equipment. Also,there is not much use for some recycled material. In Japan,the newspapers collected by children______.A:are given to poor peopleB:are used as reading materialsC:are recycledD:are used as prizes
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