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Global Warming
Few people now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the world's climate. Many scientists1the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase2the world's temperatures and are convinced that,more than3before,the Earth is at4from the forces of the wind,rain and sun.5to them,global warming is making extreme weather events,6as hurricanes and droughts,even more7and causing sea levels all around the world to8.
Environmental groups are putting9on governments to take action to reduce the 10 of carbon dioxide which is given 11 by factories and power plants,thus attacking the problem at its source. They are in12of more money being spent on research into so-lar,wind and wave energy devices,which could then replace existing power13.
Some scientists,14believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere tomorrow,we would have to wait15hundred years to notice the results. Global warming,it seems,is here to stay.
A: give
B: put
C: take
D: have

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  • 共用题干
    1.Certainly no creature in the sea is odder than the common sea cucumber. All living creatures,especially human beings,have their peculiarities,but everything about the little sea cucumber seems unusual.What else can be said about a bizarre animal that,among other eccentricities, eats mud,feeds almost continuously day and night but can live without eating for long periods,and can be poisonous but is considered supremely edible by gourmets?
    2.For some fifty million years,despite all its eccentricities,the sea cucumber has subsisted on its diet of mud.It is adaptable enough to live attached to rocks by its tube feet,under rocks in shallow water,or on the surface of mud flats.Common in cool water on both Atlantic and Pacific shores, it has the ability to suck up mud or sand and digest whatever nutrients are present.
    3.Sea cucumbers come in a variety of colors,ranging from black to reddish brown to sand color and nearly white.One form even has vivid purple tentacles.Usually the creatures are cucumber shaped一hence their name一and because they are typically rock inhabitants,this shape,combined with flexibility,enables them to squeeze into crevices where they are safe from predators and ocean currents.
    4.Although they have voracious appetites,eating day and night,sea cucumbers have the capacity to become quiescent and live at a low metabolic rate feeding sparingly or not at all for long periods,so that the marine organisms that provide their food have a chance to multiply.If it were not for this faculty,they would devour all the food available in a short time and would probably starve themselves out of existence.
    5.But the most spectacular thing about the sea cucumber is the way it defends itself. Its major enemies are fish and crabs,when attacked,it squirts all its internal organs into water. It also casts off attached structures such as tentacles.The sea cucumber will eviscerate and regenerate itself if it is attacked or even touched;it will do the same if the surrounding water temperature is too high or if the water becomes too polluted.
    When attacked,sea cucumbers can cast off certain organs and______.
    F: reproduce
  • 共用题干
    Forests for Cities
    You are standing in a beautiful forest in Japan. The air is clean and smells like plants and
    flowers. There are 175 different kinds of trees,and 60 kinds of birds live here.______(1)
    You are downtown in the city of Nara,Japan,in Kasugayama Forest,the oldest urban forest in the world. It was started more than a thousand years ago,and today it's very popular with tourists and artists.
    Cities around the world are working to protect their urban forests. Some urban forests are parks,and some are just streets with a lot of trees. But all urban forests have many good effects on the environment.______(2)They also stop the noise from heavy traffic. They even make the weather better because they make the air 3-5 degrees cooler,and they stop strong winds.
    Urban forests also have many good effects on people. They make the city more beautiful. In a crowded area,they give people a place to relax and spend time in nature.______(3)
    In some countries,people are starting new urban forests. In England,there are now 1.3 million trees in an urban forest called Thames Chase,east of London. It was started in 1990, and it has grown very fast.Walking and bicycle clubs use the forest,and there are programs for children and artists.______(4)
    Some older cities don't have space for a big urban forest,but planting trees on the streets makes the city better. Scientists found that commuters(通勤人员)feel more relaxed when they can see trees. Trees are even good for business.______(5)In the future,urban forests will become even more important as our cities grow bigger. In the megacities(超大城市)of to-morrow,people will need more green space to live a comfortable life. Planting trees today will make our lives better in the future.
    A: People spend more time at shopping centers that have trees.
    B: In hot countries,urban forests are cool places for walking and other healthy exercises.
    C: But you are not in rural area.
    D: Trees take pollution out of the air.
    E: In 2033,it will have 5 million trees.
    F: It has many kinds of birds in the country.
  • She can speak French and German,let alone English.
    A:to say nothing of
    B:to speak nothing of
    C:to talk nothing of
    D:to tell nothing of
  • 共用题干
    Electromagnetic Energy
    1 White light seems to be a combination of all colors.The energy that comes from a source of light is not limited to the kind of energy you can see.Heat is given off by a flame or an electric light.On a cloudy day it is possible to get a sunburn even though you feel cool.Visible light and the kinds of energy that produce warmth and sunburn are examples of electromagnetic energy.
    2 The sun is 93 million miles from the earth.Yet we can use energy from the sun because electromagnetic energy travels through space.
    3 Many other kinds of energy are also types of electromagnetic energy.Radio,television,and radar signals travel from transmitters to receivers as low-energy electromagnetic waves.Infrared(红外线的)radiation is an electromagnetic wave.When it is absorbed by matter,heat is produced.Waves of infrared and visible light have more energy than waves of radio,television,or radar.Ultraviolet rays(紫外线)and X-rays are electromagnetic waves with even greater amounts of energy.Infrared radiation is used in cooking food and heating buildings. Sunlight and electric lights are part of our requirements for normal living.Ultraviolet radiation is useful in killing certain disease organisms.X-rays and gamma rays have so much energy that they travel through solid objects. They can be used to detect and treat cancer.X-rays are used in industry to find hidden cracks in metal,and in medicine to reveal broken bones.
    4 Usually we use electricity to generate electromagnetic energy.The source of most of our energy is the sun.Heat from the sun causes water to evaporate.When the water falls to the earth as rain,some of it is trapped behind dams and then used to operate electric generators.Other generators are powered by coal,but the energy stored in coal came from the sun,too.
    5 Until recently,the source of the tremendous amount of energy given off by the sun was a puzzle.If the sun depended on chemical reactions,it would have used up all its energy long ago.Experiments with electromagnetic radiation led to the theory that mass can be converted into energy.About forty years after the theory was proposed , nuclear energy was harnessed(利用)by man.Chemical energy comes from electron (电子)rearrangement.Nuclear energy comes from a change in the nucleus of an atom.Compared with chemical reactions,nuclear reactions release millions of times more energy per pound of fuel.We now believe that the sun's energy comes from the nuclear reactions in which hydrogen is changed into helium(氦).
    6 Nuclear energy is beginning to compete with coal as an economical source of'power to generate electricity.It is also being used to operate engines in large ships.Scientists continue to seek new and better methods of obtaining and using energy.
    Paragraph 3______
    A:Nuclear Reactions as the Lasting Source of the Sun's Energy
    B:The Most Important Source of Energy
    C:Types of Electromagnetic Energy
    D:The Machines Used for Energy Generation
    E:Seeking New Sources of Energy
    F:The Use of Ultravio1et Radiation in Medicine
  • The Constitution's vague nature has given it the flexibility to be adapted when circumstances change.
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