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What can we learn from the conversation?
A.The man is very grateful for the woman's help.
B.The man is ready to face any problem.
C.The man is not satisfied with the woman's advice.

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  • There were eighteen people on board the Matthew during its voyage to North America in 14

  • Among the early settlers in North America in the 16th century were Spanish traders.

  • Which of the following is not a correct understanding about the word "extra" in giving a tip?
    A.Extra is a fixed charge in some cities.
    B.Extra is similar to a tip in some cases.
    C.If the "extra" is paid, one doesn't tip any more.
    D.Some hotels require people to pay an "extra" service charge.

  • M: Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you. __ a 10 note? W: Sorry, I can't unless you buy something here.
    A.Can you change me
    B.Can you change it
    C.Can't you change
    D.Can't you change it

  • The amount of money for a tip ______.
    A.is the same across restaurants and hotels
    B.depends on how much one pays for his meal
    C.generally varies according to the size of one's bag in a hotel
    D.is usually small for a cup of coffee at a lunch counter

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