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John: The radio' s terribly loud. Could you turn it down a little?
Peter: Sorry! ______.
John: Yes, and something else—wouldn't it be an idea to buy your own soap?
A.A football match was broadcast live on it.
B.I forgot where I put my soap this morning.
C.Is it disturbing you?
D.Could you repeat what you said?

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  • It is implied that the process of aging is______.
    A.slower in a healthy man
    B.slower in a healthy woman
    C.at the same rate with men and women
    D.hard to compare in terms of sex

  • __ for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving as it is.
    A.Had it not been
    B.Were it not
    C.Be it not
    D.Should it not be

  • Men are superior to women in the situation of ______.
    A.resisting cold
    B.standing hunger
    C.remaining energetic in old age
    D.climbing high

  • Which of the following is included free with the 3-year plan?
    C.Personal checks
    D.Unlimited use of the facilities

  • Then in June 1967 the country______diplomatic relations with Israel after the outbreak of the Six Day War.
    A.broke away
    B.broke off
    C.cut out
    D.cut down

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