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  • One thing most people these days seem absolutely certain about-and yes,this is a bit ironic-is that absolutist thinking is bad.Making inflexible demands of the world,then losing temper when they're unmet,is no path to happiness.Nor is seeing every issue in black and white,or refusing to be friends with anyone who doesn't share every one of your views.Absolutism is no healthier when turned inwards,either,where it manifests as perfectionism.Yet we all engage in absolutist thinking anyway,because it's easier:we cling to simple rules depression.It's easy to see why absolutism might trigger distress:the more rigid your map of the world,the more opportunities you're creating for that map to collide with the messiness of reality.

  • Text 1 Foreign cashiers and carers are now a fact oflife in Japan,especially in urban areas.The number of foreign workers has risen fast recently,t0 1.3m-some 2%of the workforce.Although visas that allow foreigners to settle in Japan are in theory mainly for highly skilled workers,in practice those with fewer skills may be admitted as students or trainees or as immigrants of Japanese extraction.In June the govemment announced that it would create a"designated-skills"visa in order to bring in 500,000 new workers by 2025,in agriculture,construction,hotels,nursing and shipbuilding.Japan has historically been cautious of admitting foreigners.It is one of the rich world's most homogenous countries:just 2%of residents are foreigners,compared with 4%in South Korea and 16%in France.The reasons for this attitude range from fears that outsiders will bring crime and damage societal practices,to concerns that Japanese residents will not be able to communicate properly with them.But Japan's population is old and getting smaller.To fill shortages in the labour force caused by the shrinking working-age population,govemment policy has focused on getting more women and old people into work,and using artificial intelligence.It has become apparent though that this is not enough;and businesses also want foreigners to help them remain competitive and to become more global.Indeed pressure from business is a big reason behind the change of tack.Over the past 20 years the number of workers under 30 has shrunk by a quarter.Another result of the greying population is the creation of ever more jobs,most notably as carers,that few Japanese want to do at the wages on offer.There are 60%more job vacancies than there are people looking for work.Industries such as agriculture and construction,as well as nursing,are increasingly dependent on foreigners.More exposure to foreigners,through a boom in tourism,has reassured Japanese,especially the young,that they can get along with them,too.Attracting the foreign workers Japan needs will not necessarily be easy.Language is a big barrier.Japanese-language abilities are not necessary for highly skilled workers wanting visas,but only a handful of companies work in English.Lowlier workers,who must pass a Japanese exam,are currallowed to bring their families and will not be able to under the"designated-skills"visa.Firms in which promotion is based on seniority rather than merit and in which long hours are the norm will find it hard to attract workers,too.Japan also needs to do more to help integrate foreigners.By accepting,for the most part,a small number of highly skilled workers,Japan has been able to get away without any inteUation policy.But as the number ofimmigrants rises,and especially as more low-skilled workers are admitted,this omission threatens to bring about some of the very concems that prompted the govemment to restrict immigration in the first place,such as ghettoisation and poverty.According to Paragraph 3,the changes of Japan's attitude may result from the followingently not except_____

    A、 some specific positions are lack ofwork forcesB、 tourist industry promotes contact with foreignersC、 numbers ofyoung workers decreased to some extentD、 some industries need the introduction of foreign technology
  • Text 3 While there are rival contenders,the title of the world's first department store belongs,perhaps,to Harding,Howell&Co's Grand Fashionable Magazine at 89 Pall Mall in St James's,London.Opened in 1796,this handsome Georgian shop was divided into four departments,offering furs and fans,haberdashery,jewellery and clocks,and millinery,or hats.Harding,Howell&Co was focused on the needs and desires of fashionable women.Here,at last women were free to browse and shop,safely and decorously,away from home and from the company of men.These,for the main part,were newly affiuent middle class women,their good fortune-and the department store itself-nurtured and shaped by the Industrial Revolution.This was transforming life in London and the length and breadth of Britain at a dizzying pace on the back of energetic free trade,fecund invention,steam and sail,and a seemingly inexhaustible supply of expendable cheap labour.It is no coincidence that,from the mid 19th Century,the department store adopted the look and feel of the way we have known it for more than 150 years with the opening,by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert,of the Great Exhibition in 1851.This was held in the Crystal Palace,a truly revolutionary structure,designed by Joseph Paxton and located in Hyde Park,not far from Harrods,which,from 1905,became Europe's biggest department store.The threat of the shopping mall coincided with a global acceptance of the Internet,personal computers and smart phones-the rise of online shopping.Against the odds the department store has survived.People may choose to buy online,yet they also like to see what's on offer in person.Department stores present a good snapshot of current trends in fashion,design,household goods and gadgets.As a result,forward-looking department stores have re-imagined themselves as retail theatres.Intriguingly,internet-savvy customers in Britain still enjoy shopping in the fabric departments of John Lewis department stores much as their predecessors did 150 years ago.Think Crystal Palace 1851 with 21st Century marketing and communications technology and you can see just why the department store remains hard to beat,an endearing and enduring cultural and retail fixture on our busiest city streets and squares.We can leam from Paragraph 3 that the Crystal Palace is——

    A、 the world's largest department storeB、 the same as the department store 150 years agoC、 known for the opening ceremony by Queen ElizabethD、 a revolutionary building
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