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  • 糖尿病患者的理想体重(kg)计算公式为() 





  • Boredom at Work ① You might find yourself staring at the clock, willing it to move faster so the boring workday will finally end. If your job offers little in the way of stimulation, there are steps you can take inside and outside the workplace. ② If you're bored with your job, it could be a sign that you've mastered the basic requirements and are ready for more of a challenge. You might not have been in your position long enough to request a promotion. Still, you can take steps to enhance your current role. Ask your boss if there are any projects you can help with. Volunteer to train less experienced colleagues. You'll feel more stimulated at work and also increase your chances of future advancement. ③ If you feel there is nothing left to learn in your present position, take steps to increase your knowledge. Your company's website might have online courses you can take during your slow periods, with your manager's permission. Enroll in training classes your company offers in areas that interest you. You also can pursue educational opportunities outside of the workplace, such as college classes, industry-specific training programs or self-improvement courses. If the knowledge you acquire doesn't help you in your present position, it might eventually help you move into a more fulfilling position. ④ Look for ways to challenge yourself. If your job involves performing repetitive tasks, set a quota for the number of times you can accomplish a particular task during the course of a shift. This will give you something to shoot for. If you have co-workers who perform the same tasks, make a friendly wager to see who can do the most. You'll form stronger bonds with your colleagues, and your employer is likely to notice your increased productivity. ⑤ According to psychotherapist and career coach Nina Ham, boredom at work might be a symptom of dissatisfaction with your personal life. Finding sources of stimulation outside of work can have a positive impact on your attitude toward your job. Seeking counseling for an emotional issue can also be of benefit. If your personal life is going well and nothing you try seems to improve your engagement level at work, it might be time to consider a job or even a career change.If your job involves(), set a quota for the number of times you can accomplish a particular task.

    A、strong desire for friendly relationships

    B、your slow periods

    C、dissatisfaction with your personal life

    D、the basic requirements

    E、performing repetitive tasks

    F、inside and outside the workplace

  • LTE-IDLE状态下,UE没有保存的用户标识是:()。





  • 机电工程施工招标投标条件与程序【案例答案分析题】 1.背景 某大型涉外投资拟建工程项目,由外方出资85%,中国方出资15%,总投资为1800万美元,该项目包括15个单项工程。由于工期紧,招标过程很短,从发招标文件到收投标文件仅10天时间。招标图纸设计较粗,投有施工详图,工程量表由业主提出目录,工作量由投标人计算并报单价,最终评标核定总价。 合同采用固定总价合同形式,要求报价中的材料价格调整独立计算。共有10家中国公司参加投标,第一次收到投标文件后,发现各企业都用国内的概预算定额分项和计算价格,未按照招标文件要求报出完全单价,也未按招标文件的要求编制投标文件,使投标文件的分析十分困难。故业主退回投标文件,要求重新报价。这时有5家退出竞争。这样经过四次反复退回投标文件重新做投标报价,才勉强符合要求。业主A方最终决定我国某承包公司B(以下简称B方)中标。 本工程采用固定总价合同,合同总价为1751。8万元人民币(其中包括不可预见风险费120.O万元)。本工程合同条件选择是在投标报价之后,由A方与B方议定。A方坚持用ICE,即英国土木工程师学会颁布的标准土木工程施工合同文本;而B方坚持使用我国的示范文本。A方认为示范文本不完备,不符合国际惯例,可执行性差。最后由A方起草合同文本,基本上采用ICE的内容,增加了示范文本的几个条款。2005年6月23日A方提出合同条件,6月24日双方签订合同。 工程结束时双方结算时出现差异,主要差异是: (1)由于招标囹纸较粗略,A方在招标文件中没给出工作量,’由B方计算工程量,而B方计算的数字都很低。如:由于缺少施工详图,承包商报价时预算402t钢筋,而按后来颁发的详细的施工图核算应为约720t。施工中,由于工程变更又增加了290t,即整个工程实际钢筋用量约lOlOt。由于为固定总价合同,A方认为详细的施工图用量与B方报价之差318t,合计价格100多万元是B方报价的失误,或为获得工程而作出的让步,在任何情况下不予补偿。 (2)在工程施工中B方现场人员发现缺少设备基础安装图纸,审查报价发现漏报了该基础价格约30万人民币。分析责任时,B方的预算员坚持认为,在招标文件中A方漏发了基础图,而A方代表坚持是B方的预算师把基础图弄丢了。由于采用固定总价合同,B方最终应承担损失。 2.问题 (1)本工程采用固定总价合同的方式是否合理?为什么? (2)招标文件图纸资料不全导致报价不准是哪一方的责任?为什么? (3)招标人在本次招投标工作中存在哪些不妥之处? (4)投标人如何避免废标?

  • 对于三个有文本而且彼此具有串链关系的文本框,如果删除串链关系中第2个文本框,不会发生情况是()。





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