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I noticed that the meals were well ______ what was charged for them.


B.worthy of



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  • The Works Project Administration could __________

    A. relieve the burden of both the unemployed and the government

    B. satisfy the need of people from various fields of the society

    C. meet the need of most people who were once white-collars

    D. not offer people jobs which would support them for a whole life

  • Although the national government has introduced some new laws on this subject, it is the ________ state governments which are responsible for pollution control.

    A) precisely

    B) primarily

    C) progressively

    D) preliminarily

  • Dogs are often praised for their ________; they almost never abandon their masters.

    A) faith

    B) loyalty

    C) trust

    D) truthfulness

  • LearaVest informs you about your spending so that you can see where to save money to pay off your debt.
  • 根据下列材料,请回答:

    A. A week at Tanglewood.

    B. A movie ticket.

    C. A vacation in Boston.

    D. A sum of money.

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