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Transport and Trade
1. Transport is one of the aids to trade.By moving goods from places where they are plentiful to places where they are scarce,transport adds to their value.The more easily goods can be brought over the distance that separates producer and consumer,the better for trade.When there were no railways,no good roads,no canals,and only small sailing ships,trade was on a small scale.
2. The great advances made in transport during the last two hundred years were accompanied by a big increase in trade.Bigger and faster ships enabled a trade in meat to develop between Britain and New Zealand,for instance.Quicker transport makes possible mass-production and big business,drawing supplies from,and selling goods to,all parts of the globe.Big factories could not exist without transport to carry the large number of workers they need to and from their homes. Big city stores could not have developed unless customers could travel easily from the suburbs and goods were delivered to their homes.Big cities could not survive unless food could be brought from a distance.
3. Transport also prevents waste.Much of the fish landed at the ports would be wasted if it could not be taken quickly to inland towns.Transport has given us a much greater variety of foods and goods since we no longer have to live on what is produced locally.Foods which at one time could be obtained only during a part of the year can now be obtained all through the year. Transport has raised the standard of living.
4. By moving fuel,raw materials,and even power,for example,through electric cables,transport has led to the establishment of industries and trade in areas where they would have been impossible before. Districts and countries can concentrate on making things which they can do better and more cheaply than others and can then exchange them with one another. The cheaper and quicker transport becomes,the longer the distance over which goods can profitably be earned. Countries with poor transport have a lower standard of living.
5. Commerce requires not only the moving of goods and people but also the carrying of messages and information .Means of communication,like telephones,cables and radio,send information about prices,supplies,and changing conditions in different parts of the world. In this way,advanced communication systems also help to develop trade.
Paragraph 2______
A: Higher Living Standard
B: impprtarice of Transport in Trade
C: Various Means of Transport
D: Birth of Transport-related Industries and Trade
E: Role of Information in Trade
F: Public Transportation

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  • 共用题干
    The Exploding Lakes of Cameroon
    What comes to mind when you think of a lake?You probably imagine a pretty scene
    with blue water,birds,and fish.For the people in the northwestern Cameroon,however,
    the image is very different.For them,lakes may mean terrible disasters.In 1984,
    poisonous gases exploded out of Lake Monoun and came down into the nearby villages,
    killing thirty-seven people.Two years later,Lake Nyos erupted.A cloud of gases rolled
    down the hills and into the valleys and killed 1,700 people.
    Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun are crater(火山口)lakes. They were formed when
    water collected in the craters of old volcanoes.The volcanoes under Lake Nyos and Lake
    Monoun are not active anymore.However,poisonous gases from the center of the earth
    continue to flow up through cracks in the bottom of the lake.This is normal in a crater lake.
    In most crater lakes,these gases are released often because the water"turns over"
    regularly.That is,the water from the bottom of the lake rises and mixes with the water at
    the top,allowing the gases to escape slowly.
    However,in Lakes Nyos and Monoun,there is no regular turning over.No one knows
    the reason for this fact,but as a result,these lakes have more gases trapped at the bottom
    than other crater lakes.In fact,scientists who have studied Lakes Nyos and Monoun have
    found 16,000 times more gases.When a strong wind,cool weather,a storm,or a
    landslide(滑坡)causes the water to turn over suddenly,the gases escape in a violent
    In the past,no one knew when the gases might explode,so there was no way for the
    villagers to escape disaster. Now scientists from the United States,France,and
    Cameroon have found a way to reduce the gas pressure at the bottom of Lake Nyos.They
    stood a 672-foot plastic pipe in the middle of the lake,with one end of the pipe near the
    bottom and the other end in the air. Near the top of the pipe,the team put several holes
    that could be opened or closed by a computer.Now,when the gas pressure gets too high,
    the holes are opened and some of the gas-filled water shoots up through the pipe into the air
    like a fountain.With less pressure,a disastrous explosion is much less likely.However,
    the scientists are not sure that one pipe will be enough to prevent explosions.They hope to
    put in others soon and they plan to install a similar pipe and a computer system at Lake
    Monoun as well.
    To protect people nearby until all of the pipes are in place,the scientists have installed
    early warning systems at both lakes.If the gas pressure rises to a dangerous level,
    computers will set off loud sirens(警报)and bright lights to warn the people in the villages.
    That way,they will have time to escape from the dangerous gases.
    Which of the following statements about Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun is true?
    A:They were formed in 1984.
    B:They are at the top of two active volcanoes.
    C:They are not like most other crater lakes.
    D:Water in them turns over regularly.
  • 共用题干
    Green Energy
    1.Green energy is energy that is produced in a manner that has, less of a negative impact to the environment than energy sources like fossil fuels,which are often produced with harmful side effects."Greener" types of energy that often come to mind are solar,wind,geothermal and hydro energy.There are several more,even including nuclear energy,that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.
    2.The goal of green energy is generally to create power with as little pollution as possible produced as a by-product. Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution,but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not. Most people who advocate greener sources of energy claim that the result of worldwide use of green energy will result in the ability to preserve the planet for a longer time.Greenhouse gases,a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.
    3.It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields,which are examples of green"power plants".A green energy source can be a building that is designed in a way that it keeps itself cool in the daytime and heated in the night through its architectural design rather than having an air-conditioning or a heating system. The conservation of energy through architectural(建筑学的)design becomes, itself, a green energy source. Similarly, many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.
    4.One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly. One such case is that of clean coal technology,where scientists are trying to find ways to extract energy from coal and other fossil fuels without all of the harmful side effects.The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient,but by being cost efficient as well.
    Greenhouse gases are thought to be causing______.
    A:global warming
    B:carbon emission
    C:lower waste output
    D:a green energy source
    E:fossil fuels
    F: clean fuels
  • She could not formulate her ideas in a few words.
    A: state
    B: argue
    C: invent
    D: announce
  • 共用题干
    The Greatest Mystery Of Whales
    The whale is a warm-blooded,air-breathing animal,giving birth to its young alive,
    sucking them一and,like all mammals,originated on land.There are many_________
    (1)of this. Its front flippers(鳍状肢),used for steering and stability,are traces of feet.
    Immense strength is_________(2)into the great body of the big whales,and in
    fact most of a whale's body is one gigantic muscle.The blue whale's pulling strength has
    been estimated_________(3)400 horsepower. One specimen was reported to have
    towed(拖)a whaling vessel for seven hours at the_________(4)of eight knots (节).
    An angry whale will_________(5)a ship.Afamous example of this was the fate
    of whaler Essex,_________(6)was sunk off the coast of South America early in the
    last century. More recently,steel ships have_________(7) their plates buckled(使弯
    曲)in the same way. Sperm whales(抹香鲸)were known to seize the old-time
    whaleboats in their jaws and crush them.
    The greatest_________(8)of whales is their diving ability.The sperm whale dives
    to the bottom for his_________(9) food, the octopus(章鱼).In that search he is
    known to go as far down as 3, 200 feet,where the_________(10)is 1,400 pounds,to
    a square inch.Doing so he will_________(11)underwater long as one hour. Two
    special skills are involved in this:storing up enough_________(12)(all whales are air-
    breathed)and tolerating the great change in pressure.Just how he does it scientists have
    not_________(13).It is believed that some of the oxygen is stored in a special
    _________(14)of blood vessels,rather than just held in the lungs.And it is believed
    that a special kind of oil in his head is some sort of compensating mechanism that
    _________(15)adjusts the internal pressure of his body.But since you can't bring a
    live whale into the laboratory for study,no one knows just how these things work.
  • 共用题干
    Early Ideas about the Universe
    1 Early man got his ideas about the universe by looking at the stars as you do.He
    observed carefully,and learned many things about the sun,the moon,and the stars.
    2 Suppose you were asked to collect evidence about the sun as early man did.You might
    go out morning after morning and see it come up in the east.Even on cloudy mornings,you
    would observe that the darkness goes away and the world becomes light.You might not see
    the sun but would be sure it is there,because you notice that the earth warms up.As you
    continued,the sun climbs higher in the sky each day during part of the year. It stays in the
    sky longer. The earth gets warmer. Things begin to grow. It is spring and then summer.
    3 After a while the sun stays in the sky for shorter and shorter periods.Many plants begin
    to die.Leaves fall.Winter comes.Year after year this is repeated and you cannot tell
    exactly why it happens.But you realize that the sun seems to make the difference.
    Primitive(原始的)man felt that since the sun was so powerful it must be a god. It may
    seem silly to us now to worship(崇拜)a sun-god, but primitive man was right about the
    importance of the sun to life on earth.
    4 You have been told that the world is round.But suppose no one had ever taught you
    that the world was like a huge ball.Would you have ever thought of it yourself?You cannot
    see the curve(曲线)of the earth at once. You would have no idea of how big it was.
    That's why early man believed that the earth was small and flat.Such ideas appeared from
    the evidence they had.
    5 If you watch the stars night after night,you will see them rise and set.As you look at
    the sky,it is not difficult to imagine that you are in the center of a vast collection of twinkling
    (闪烁)lights. Some early astronomers(天文学家)believed the sky was a crystal shell or
    series of crystal shells,one inside the other. They believed this because that is what the
    night sky looked like.For many centuries,men believed that the earth was the center of
    the universe and that the sun,the moon,and the stars circled around it.
    Early man thought the earth was small and flat because_________.
    A:he did not observe the sun carefully enough
    B:he could not see its curve
    C:the sun,the moon and the stars seemed to move around it
    D:the earth circles around the sun
    E:it looked like that at night
    F:it has power over life on earth
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