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When traveling in another country, many Americans bring water with them because ______.

A.they are not used to drinking local water

B.they assume that local water is not safe

C.they are more prone to water-borne diseases

D.their can easily fall ill if contacting with local germs

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  • A.Because they have to pay for it.

    B.Because they think TV's commercials are insults to their intelligence.

    C.Because it gets all its money from advertisements.

    D.Because there weren't any ads on TV.

  • An executive has to have a lot of ______ to reach the top.





  • What did the East India Company get from British sovereign at its expansion?

    A.The qualification of establishing its branches.

    B.The permission to build Yale University.

    C.Financial as well as military support.

    D.The private army to protect its employees.

  • We can learn from the passage that ______.

    A.Oxford University will gradually become a private university like Harvard

    B.Oxford University is beginning to think of commercial ways to collect money

    C.the only solution to Oxford University's problems is being independent

    D.the British government will offer Oxford University more subsidies

  • A.He will help Mary to cook the dish instead of Bill.

    B.He will wash the dishes himself instead of Mary.

    C.He will help Bill to translate the manual.

    D.He himself will operate the dishwasher.

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