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To ________ is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment.

A) conserve

B) conceive

C) convert

D) contrive

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  • Why this otherwise excellent newspaper allows such an article to be printed ________ is me.

    A) above

    B) outside

    C) beside

    D) beyond

  • 2015年12月英语六级翻译题:度量衡



  • A) Not clearly specified. B) Reasonable enough.

    C) Not likely to be met. D) Apparently sexist.

  • The wood was so rotten that, when we pulled, it ________ into fragments.

    A) broke off

    B) broke away

    C) broke through

    D) broke up

  • A.Less than ten minutes.

    B.Half an hour.

    C.About twenty minutes.

    D.Forty-five minutes.

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